Editorial |
Dear Readers,
What does a good barrier-free nature experience offer? Where do you start with the planning? What specific information is needed and how is it communicated? We asked ourselves these and many other questions when we started the project in 2018. For almost three years, we researched, investigated and tested, always accompanied by people with disabilities as experts in their own field. Now the first answers are available. Until the end of the project in August, you can expect a lot of exciting information, guidelines and ideas.
What we transmit theoretically within the framework of this educational project is already bearing fruit. The first nature trails have been analysed using the decision matrix "Self-determined nature experience" and are developing their own concepts for a more inclusive access to nature experience. The matrix and the accompanying brochure "Self-determined nature experience: Towards barrier-free design of educational nature trails" are ready for download. For a quick insight into the topic, you can also use our Prezi presentation. Unfortunately, this tool is not accessible. You can download an accessible transcription on our website.
Annually, the European Day of Protest for Equality for People with Disabilities takes place on 5 May. On this occasion, we would like to present the interim results of the project to all interested parties and invite you to our online event. Find out more under "Dates".
In our Knowledge pool, you will find new examples of good practice for accessible offers in nature. Keep visiting our website www.nature-without-barriers.eu: we are always grateful for your feedback on our project!
We hope you enjoy reading!
The project team "Nature without Barriers”